Please Join Ron for Reception with Senator Amy Klobuchar
Sunday, September 18
2:30 PM to 4:30 PM
at the home of Diane and Tom Wentz,
6320 Westwood Court, in Edina
Hors d’oeuvres, Wine, Beverages
We appreciate reservations in advance
Join U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar and over 40 co-hosts at a reception for the re-election of Minnesota State Representative Ron Erhardt. If you can’t make it to the event, Amy and Ron would still appreciate your donation to ensure that Ron is re-elected to the MN House of Representatives this fall. Ron’s legislative presence, knowledge and skills are very valuable to Edina and Minnesota. Ron’s committee can accept contributions up to a total of $1,000 per person or $2,000 per couple for the 2015-2016 election cycle. We cannot accept contributions from Political Action Committees or registered lobbyists, but we can accept contributions from their spouses and family members.
Suggested Donations:
- $100 per person / $200 per couple
- $250 per person / $500 per couple
- $500 per person / $1,000 per couple
- $1,000 maximum per person / $2,000 maximum per couple
Due to legal requirements, No PAC or Lobbyist donations — although spouses of lobbyists or other family members may donate.
You may donate up to a total of $1,000 individual or $2,000 couple to Ron Erhardt’s campaign during the 2015-2016 election cycle. We are required by law to record your Occupation and Employer in order to accept your donation. If you are not employed, please enter some descriptive term(s) for Employer and Occupation, such as ‘N/A’, ‘retired’, ‘homemaker’. If you list “Self Employed” please describe what you do. When Donating as a Couple, we are required to get both names, both occupations, and both employers. You can do that with a “/” to separate. If you have already donated your 2015-2016 maximum to the Erhardt Volunteer Committee, please call or email the Coordinator.
You will receive a receipt for your donation and our coordinator has been notified.
Thank you. It will be a wonderful, unique afternoon.
- Questions? Need to talk to someone or want to discuss your reservation(s) in person?
All funds solicited in connection with this event are by the Erhardt Volunteer Committee,
4214 Sunnyside Rd, Edina MN 55424 and not by Senator Klobuchar or Co-Hosts.